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Points Series 2023 Notice of Race

The Haven Combined Clubs Points Championship consists of 8 races sailed over 7 Weekends between May and September.


The organising authority is comprised of the organising clubs. These clubs are:- The Royal Harwich Yacht Club; The Haven Ports Yacht Club; The Walton and Frinton Yacht Club; The Stour Sailing Club; The Shotley Sailing Club; The Harwich and Dovercourt Sailing Club; The Waldingfield Sailing Club; and The Pin Mill Sailing Club. The Haven Combined Clubs Committee is comprised of representatives of each club and facilitates racing on behalf of the organising clubs. The organiser of each individual race is the “host club” who provides the Race Officer.



The rules set out in the Haven Combined Clubs Series 2019 Sailing Instructions shall apply.


2.1 The series is open to single-hulled sailing yachts owned by members of sailing clubs situated between Lowestoft and Burnham with a minimum waterline length of 5.2m.

2.2 Yachts not meeting the requirements of 2.1 may be accepted with special dispensation from the Organizing Authority.

2.3 The Organising Authority has the right to refuse any entry at its absolute discretion.


3.1 Boats must meet the minimum standards laid out in the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations Appendix B Special Regulations for Inshore Racing, which includes a functional engine with adequate fuel, and a marine VHF transceiver.


4.1 Competitors should enter the series by completing either the online entry process or by submitting the official entry form.

4.2 Entry is free to all competitors.

4.3 An entry must be received no later than 7pm on the day preceding the first race in which an entrant intends to compete.

4.4 Entries made by means other than the online or paper entry forms shall not be accepted.


5.1 Eight races are scheduled, of which one must be completed to constitute a series.

5.2 The following number of races shall count towards a competitors series score –
Races sailed        -              8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1
Races counted   -              5   5   4   4   3   3   2   1

5.3 The races comprising the series shall be sailed on the following dates, starting from the following locations: Races on 23rd and 24th July will form part of Felixstowe Regatta.


5.3 The races comprising the series shall be sailed on the following dates, starting from the following locations:  


6.1 Start times for the first race of the day will be:
Relaxed Fleet                    – 10:45 BST
Experienced Fleet           – 11:00 BST

6.2 Ordinarily only one race will take place on any day. In exceptional circumstances, a second race may take place in order to re-sail an abandoned race.


7.1 Competitors may enter for either:

(a) Relaxed Fleet:

Intended for those who may:- have less racing experience; be sailing short handed; either be using white sails only or a “cruising set up”.

(b) Experienced Fleet

Intended for those who are experienced racers, sailing boats set up primarily for racing, and using new or high tech sails. Competitors who have placed in the top 5 of races in the Haven Series or Combined Clubs Series would ordinarily be expected to enter this fleet.

7.2 The organizing committee reserves the right to reallocate boats between classes at its absolute discretion if it considers an entry to be contrary to the spirit of the fleet.


8.1 The series will be scored according to the Low-Point Scoring System of RRS Appendix A.  A4, as amended by Appendix A9 (Series longer than a Regatta). Ties will be broken in accordance with A7 and A8.

8.2 The Casual and Grand Prix fleets will both be scored under the “Haven Handicap” system, which was used in both the Haven and Combined Clubs Series’ in 2018.

8.3 Competitors racing in the Grand Prix fleet who have an IRC Certificate for their boats shall also be scored under IRC.

8.2 Results will be published on the Haven Series website:, the websites of some of the organising clubs,  and competitors will be notified by e-mail.



9.1 Series Trophies shall be awarded as follows:


9.2 Trophies for the each race will be awarded as follows


9.3 Special awards: The Rig Magic Trophy, Madge Wildfire Trophy, Starling Chart, and RHYC President’s Trophy shall be awarded for performances of merit yet to be agreed by the Organising Authority.

9.4 Glassware: Winners of trophies shall receive Haven Combined Clubs Glassware. Further glassware will be issued to 2nd and 3rd places at the discretion of the Organising Authority.


10.1 Competitors compete in the Series entirely at their own risk. See RRS Rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injuries or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the Series.


11.1 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party insurance with a minimum cover of £2,000,000 per incident or the equivalent.


12.1 All entrants for the Points Series are Automatically entered for the inter-club championship for their class. There will be a separate club championship for the casual and grand prix fleets.

12.3 In each fleet, clubs shall score points in each race equal to the sum of their best 3 placing boats. In the event that a club has fewer than 3 boats competing in that class and race, that club shall score points equal to the number of race starters + 3 for each boat less than three.

12.4 In each class, the winning club shall be the club which accrues the fewest points over the season, with no races excluded.

12.5 The winning club in the grand prix fleet will win the Cutler Broadsword. The winning club in the casual fleet will win the Evening Star Trophy.


12.6 The Rules are as stated at Section 1 above. The “Team Racing” rules of RRS Appendix D shall not apply.

12.7 Ties – RRS Appendix A8 shall not apply. If two or more clubs’ scores are equal, the scores of individual boats in individual races shall be considered, and the tie broken in favour of the club having the most first places overall, or if the tie remains the most second places and so on for lower places if necessary. If a tie still remains, it shall be broken in favour of the team having the best-placed boat in the final race, or if both teams’ best boats were tied in that race, the best placed second boat and so on.

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